Fostering made for you.
We make fostering accessible to people of all lifestyles.
Available for a short-term foster, live in an apartment, have another dog, or you’re first time foster? We got you.
Partnering with different San Diego dog rescue organizations, you now are able to search for the best foster dog for your home.
Find the right foster dog across rescues in San Diego
San Diego 501(c)3 rescues post dogs looking for foster homes and you can filter through the available dogs to find the right foster dog for your home. You can search based on foster length, dog and kid-friendly, breed, size, age, gender and more. Additionally, we partner with local businesses to offer fun & free activities to bring your foster dog along with you!
Every dog pictured on our website would have been euthanized without having a foster.
With shelters overflowing and countless healthy dogs being euthanized due to space, a foster home is a lifeline for dogs.
With Fido Foster, you can find a foster dog that fits your lifestyle. Whether you can do a short-term vs long-term foster, are limited to a certain size or breed, or have preferences for younger vs older dogs you can find your foster dog match. After you are matched with your foster dog, you can take them out on the town for free activities around San Diego offered through Fido Foster.
Our Rescue Partners
The Animal Pad
Amazing Strays
Paws of Coronado
Road to Freedom Rescue
The Cantu Foundation